A Final Thank You from Data Desk
Data Description Announces Dissolution
After 40 years of dedicated service and commitment, Data Description has made the difficult but necessary decision to initiate the dissolution process. This decision was reached after careful consideration of the current business landscape, financial circumstances, and the evolving needs of our stakeholders.
All Sales, Trial Downloads and Upgrades will cease as of Sunday, June 30, 2024.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been a part of Data Description. We appreciate the support and trust you have placed in us over the years.
As Data Exploration has become a central part of Data Science, we are proud to continue our leadership by providing DD users with convenient ways to cooperate with two widely used Data Science platforms; the R statistics language and the Python general-purpose language. With Data Desk’s new RP features you can use DD’s award-winning interface as a graphical interface to R. Or you can communicate your displays and analyses to someone who doesn’t (yet) have Data Desk. Students and teachers will find in this feature a gentle way to learn to write R or Python code.
– Paul F. Velleman, Chief Scientist, Data Description

We are still the Proud Creator and Continuing Sponsor of DASL!
Data Description is the creator and host for DASL, which archives real data from a wide variety of topics. Instructors can find interesting, real-world examples to illustrate each statistics method. We have always believed a good example can turn what might have been a dry lesson into a vivid and relevant one. We will continue to host the DASL archive going forward.

DASL is The Data And Story Library
- It is an archive of real data from a wide variety of topics in a searchable format.
- It’s the perfect teaching/learning aide for any level of statistics learning
- Lets you search for datafiles according to statistics display or method, by text matches, or by title.
- 100’s of FREE datasets
- Data Description is the proud sponsor of the DASL archives!