Proud Creator and Continuing Sponsor of DASL!
DASL: The Data And Story Library archives real data from a wide variety of topics. Instructors can find interesting, real-world examples to illustrate each statistics method. A good example can turn what might have been a dry lesson into a vivid and relevant one. DASL lets you search for datafiles according to statistics display or method, by text matches, or by title.
100’s of Free Datasets
DASL datasets are continually updated. Some are “classic” datasets such a Fisher’s Iris data used in his article on discriminant analysis. Many are found in the textbook series by De Veaux, Velleman, and Bock. Others are submitted by users and instructors.
Easy to Use
Your students will have no hassles transferring DASL data to their choice of statistics software. Data can be saved in tab-delimited text format or transferred directly to Data Desk. Move data to R or Python by reading the text file or by way of Data Desk’s special features.