Looking for help with your statistics class? You’ve come to the right place. Data desk is entirely point-and-click graphical. You won’t need to learn a new language or worry about punctuation and syntax.
Data desk is a desktop just like the one on your computer. Variables, plots, and analyses appear in windows and close, each into its own icon. To begin, you can just copy a table of data from a spreadsheet and paste it in. If you are using data from the DASL dataset library (dasl.datadescription.com), there’s a one-click interface. And, of course, you can type in data. Then just click the icon in the command bar for the plot or analysis you want and drag variables into the resulting window. Copy any window to paste into a report or homework page.
Are you expected to learn R (or Python)? We’ve got your back. Coding can be a steep learning curve, but Data desk will write code for either R or Python to reproduce your plots or analyses. And you can then edit the resulting code to customize it.
6-Month Student Rental
Data Desk is easy to learn and easy to use – almost entirely point, click, and drag on a desktop. Any plot or statistics result can be copied and pasted into a word processor as part of your homework or in a report.
In short, it’s the ideal tool to support you as you learn statistics. Data Desk can be licensed by students for 6 months for $29.99. It features all of the power of Data Desk, in a more affordable package.
How to purchase a student license:
Please verify a valid academic email. Accounts with *.edu registered emails are given academic verification automatically. Afterwards, order from this page, below.
If you don’t have a *.edu email but have academic credentials, Contact Us.
Data Desk® Student Request Form
Use the form below to request a Student License of Data Desk®. If your academic status can be verified by our systems, you will be provided with a link to continue the purchasing process. If you have any trouble please contact us.